Saturday, March 1, 2014

And it's come to this...

We are now on the last day of February. A month and a half after passing inspection, and no call. It’s been a hard month and a half, and let me just say that I haven’t really been very patient. We have contacted our social worker, and she informed us that it’s starting to become a slow season.

Of course. As soon as we can get a baby… it slows down.

It’s been hard. I’ve put a rule in the house that the nursery door is not to be opened and should remain closed at all times. It’s even hard with the door closed. I have to pass by it every time I want to go to our bedroom or the office/scraproom. It’s so hard.

It’s hard to understand though. We’ve been trying for so long yet everything seems to go wrong. It also doesn’t help that my amazing cousin that was battling cancer for the past 2.5 years passed away 2 days ago. I’ve had to meet up with Lorazapam a lot more these past weeks. I’m just not myself.

On the contrary though, I’ve updated you with mostly everything I can update you in regards to our journey. From now on, you’ll just be hearing from me and how my daily journey continues until we at least get that call. Also, instead of posts coming in daily at 8am pacific, they will be coming in daily at 11pm. (There will be two posts today)

School started it and it has been a journey there too. Dealing with the depression, anxiety being such a large portion of my life right now, work, waiting for the call, and my dear cousin’s illness, has definitely taken a toll on me. But I will survive. I’m starting to sound like Gloria now. Ha-ha!

I’m hoping to God, that I can let you know soon when we get our baby Tristan. But for now, I’ll be coming here daily to let you know of the daily journey we continue to go through.

Thank you so much for your support, thus far. This has helped me, oh so much!

Now, off to bed, after a long day of work, homework, and visiting family, this rainy night is making me sleepy. Have a good night everyone! Love you all!
-Nati Tristan-

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